Data is fun

After turning on a bluetooth sensor, I saw so many devices nearby it made me wonder. What if I can track these.

Years ago I had watched some Ted Talk about tracking individuals based on their bluetooth signal, so lets put it to the test

TED-X Talk Hacker

The plan

My plan is to setup an Arduino or other device right on my window, and log each BLE device it detects for a month. Then using that data I would like to see.

Without data, its hard to make choices and learn. To fix you diet you need to collect data (or just see) what you eat, then change things.

A decision without data is uninformed

So..then what is data without a decision? Its research, at least my understanding.

My Hypothesis

I think that it should be pretty obvious, BLE traffic should quiet down at night, peak in the morning (when everyone is heading to work), as well as 5pm (When everyone is leaving work).


  1. Identify most traffic heavy weekday
  2. See if I can track a person by their schedule (Using mac address) by identifying the unique and reoccuring times they pass by my window
  3. Learn more about bluetooth and BLE devices
  4. Have some fun!

Next steps.

Right now I am going to get everything setup, I plan to use a combination of Postgres, Bun, and Metabase (an open source BI tool)

Stay tuned!